The Blue Brocade is a striking aqua-colored suit featuring intricate embroidery around the chest opening and high collar. The design showcases a delicate pattern of tiny aqua flowers interwoven with golden dots and lines, creating a mesmerizing effect. Each sleeve is adorned with three cuff buttons, adding a touch of elegance to this sophisticated ensemble.
This original belt showcases a unique design featuring white woven macrame crafted into elegant elliptical shapes, each adorned with a striking dark stone at its center and complete with long fringes at the ends. Since its auction in 1995, it has remained in private hands
Elvis selected black boots to complement his suit and belt combination.
Album covers
Concert Photo Album
A photo of Elvis wearing this suit was also featured on the front page of the 1972 concert souvenir tour photo album.
[1969] | [1970] | [1971] | [1972] | [1973] | [1974] | [1975] | [1976] | [1977] |